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A simple assembler for PPS-4 systems written in python

Yet Another Rockwell pps-4 Assembler "YARP A"

Unique too, since any trace of such a tool is apparently long lost.

Where to get YARP

Sources and Modules of YARP on git Here


python3 <>

If everything goes well, you'll get a binary sourcefile.bin in the current directory
This file is a raw binary containing your programm coded in PPS-4 and directly executable on a PPS-4 system.

Warnings and errors are printed to the standard output.



The list of all authorized mnemonics with their description can be found here

An asm source file is basically made of a series of mnemnic codes, such as follows:

CYS					; Cycle SA register and Accumulator
LAX					; Load Accumulator from X Register
CYS					; Cycle SA register and Accumulator
LAX					; Load Accumulator from X Register
ADI	0X1				
LDI	0X7				
LDI	0XA				
CYS					; Cycle SA register and Accumulator

You normally write one mnemonic per line, but multiple mnemonics on the same line is even permitted, even if it is not recommended.



There is no distinction between lowercase and uppercase characters
LDI is equivalent to ldi or even lDi



Mnemonics are decoded and inserted in the binary file at the current marked address. Then, this marked address is incremented by 1 or 2, depending on the mnemonic size.
All mnmonics are encoded on a single byte except for the following list, whose size is 2-byte:

['LBL', 'TL', 'TML', 'IOL']

To begin a routine at a specified address, use the directive SECTION like this:

Then, the next instruction will be implemented at 0x543

Any address can be specified in the range [0X000, 0XFFF]

A line containing the section directive does not support any other information, not even a comment.

By default, if no SECTION is specified the first encountered instruction is encoded at address 0x000
The maximum size of a pps-4 binary file is 0x1000 bytes (4KB)

No verification of any sort is made. If not taken care of, overlaps are possible, so that code may be overwritten, leading to loss of data

Avoid writing code in range 0X0C0..0X0FF:
In PPS-4 systems, 0X0C0..0X0CF is a reserved 16-byte indirection table for instruction LB
In PPS-4 systems, 0X0D0..0X0FF is a reserved 32-byte indirection table for instruction TM


Labels and variables may be use for code clarity. For example, instead of writing:


You might prefer:


A variable is determined by its name, which can be any combination of any number of alphanumeric characters, and the underscore character '_'. Can't begin by a number.


Use EQX to assign a byte value to a variable.


Use PTR to assign a label to a specific address (12 bits).

EntryPoint	PTR	0x100

Then ENTRYPOINT may be used to make reference to address 0X100 such as:

EntryPoint  PTR 0x100

SECTION EntryPoint

T	0X101			; Transfer
RF1				; Reset FF1
RF2				; Reset FF2
TL	EntryPoint		; Transfer Long

SETB will set the byte at the current address to the specified value, and increment the address pointer. Variables can be used. Example:

SETB		0x01
SETB		0X02

Numeric encoding

For numeric values, 3 numeric encoding can be used, and mixed in the same source:

  1. Decimal. That's the ordinary way of writing number: 1, 2, 3, 192, 255, 654, etc... But not always very natural to programmers
  2. Hexadecimal. Use the prefix '0X' to define hexadecimal numbers: 0X1, 0x02, 0x5A, 0X6F0, 0X800, etc... Note that 0X5 and 5 are exactly the same thing. They are interchangeable.
    The number of leading zeros is not significant. For example 0x001 does not necessarily mean we are dealing with a pointer. Depends on the context.
  3. Binary. Use the prefix '0B' to define binary numbers: 0B01, 0B1010, 0B111111000000, etc...

Syntax such as C6, though unambiguous, is not allowed to avoid potential typos. Always prefix 0X required for hexas.
Negative numbers such as -7 or -0X23 are not allowed.
Highest usable hex is 0XFFF
Highest usable bin is 0B111111111111 (12 ones)

Depending on the context, highest hex may be 0XFF, or 0XF (resp. bin 0B11111111 or 0B1111)


To express a target address in a branch instruction (T, TL, TM, TML), 3 solutions are available:

  1. Absolute addressing by value
    With T, this is not very useful, because the programmers usually don't exactly know where they are nor what is the destination address value. They might break the rule of the page frontier without noticing it making the code inoperant. This situation would be signaled by the assembler, through an error message.
T	0X022				; Transfer
EX	1					; Exchange Accumulator and Memory
LD	0X2				; Load Accumulator from Memory
EOR					; Logical Exclusive-OR
SKZ					; Skip on Accumulator Zero
T	0X026				; Transfer
LD	0X2				; Load Accumulator from Memory
LD	0X3				; Load Accumulator from Memory
LD	0X2				; Load Accumulator from Memory
EXD	1					; Exchange Accumulator and Memory and decrement BL
T	0X00D				; Transfer
TL	0X080				; Transfer Long

For example it is impossible to say where is 0X022 actually... Nevertheless, that syntax might be useful for reassembling something coming from a disassembler for example.

  1. Use of labels
    That's the preferred way and most natural:
    T	label22
    EX	1	
    LD	2				
    T	label20
    LD	2

    LD	3	
    LD	2	
    EXD	1				
    T	EntryPoint
  1. Use of variables
    Variables can also be used:

EntryPoint	PTR	0x100

    T	label22
    EX	1	
    LD	2				
    LD	2	
    EXD	1				
    T	EntryPoint		;will jump at address 0x100, provided that in the same page as here
    TL	EntryPoint		;will jump at address 0x100,

Specific instruction syntaxes.


48 consecutive locations on ROM page 3 contains pointer data which identify subroutine entry addresses. These subroutine entry addresses are limited to pages 4 through 7. This TM instruction will save the address of the next ROM word in the SA register after loading the original contents of SA into SB. A transfer then occurs to one of the subroutine entry addresses. This instruction occupies one ROM word but takes two cycles for execution.

What is to be understood there, is that this instruction at assembly time potentially specifies 2 things:

  1. Specify a jump to target address
  2. Write the target address in the table of indirection located at 0X0D0..0X0FF

Depending oh the situation a programmer may want to do both 1. and 2. or only 1. leaving 2. because it's defined elsewhere in the process, and they don't want to overwrite data which is already there.

To handle both situations, there are 2 available syntaxes:

TM	(0XD1)	(@<=0X118)				; Transfer and Mark Indirect

In this case, the assembler will encode the instruction in the binary file (0XD1), AND will write 0x18 at address 0XD1 (table feeding). There is no check that the location is free or not, etc...

The other accepted syntax is:

TM	(0XD1)

In this case, the assembler will encode the instruction in the binary file (0XD1), but won't write in the table


Sixteen consecutive locations on ROM page 3 (I2) contain data which can be loaded into the eight least significant bits of the B register by use of any LB instruction. The four most significant bits of B register will be loaded with zeroes. The contents of the SB register will be destroyed. This instruction takes two cycles to execute but occupies only one ROM word. (Automatic return)

What is to be understood there, is that this instruction at assembly time potentially specifies 2 things:

  1. Specify a load B register
  2. Write the target value in the table of indirection located at 0X0C0..0X0CF

Depending oh the situation a programmer may want to do both 1. and 2. or only 1. leaving 2. because it's defined elsewhere in the process, and they don't want to overwrite data which is already there.

To handle both situations, there are 2 available syntaxes:

LB	(C4)	(B<=041)

In this case, the assembler will encode the instruction in the binary file (0XC4), AND will write |0x41| (complement) at address 0XC4 (table feeding). There is no check that the location was previously free or not, etc...

The other accepted syntax is:

LB	(C4)

In this case, the assembler will encode the instruction in the binary file (0XC4), but won't write in the table

Writing comments in an as source file

Comments can be inserted anywhere in your source (except on the same line as any directive). Just type a ";" and everything after it on this line will be ignored
; you can write anything you want after a ';'
; everything that follows, to the end of the line, will be ignored

Error and warning messages


WARNING: PAGE LIMIT just after mnemonic LBL at line 1091 (address 0X4BE)

In a PPS-4 system, the memory is arranged by pages of 64 bytes. The CPU executes each instruction and automatically increments the program counter, unless it is a branch instruction.

The program counter's size is 12-bit. It is actually made of the concatenation of 2 6-bit registers. Only the LSb is a real counter. The MSb is only updated through a TL, TM, or TML instruction. Thus, the counter only counts from 0 to 0x3F, and then roll over. As a consequence, a 2-byte instruction cannot straddle a page limit, and shall be considered as a programming error. This is the same with a 1-byte instruction at the last byte of a page. if such an instruction, such LAX for example, is implemented at a 0xX3F ROM location, then the next execution will occur at 0xX00, and not at 0xX40.
Therefore, while such construction is valid, it is not likely to be a desired construction.

This is not necessarily a problem.



Inverting instruction.

Instruction ADI, LD, EX, EXD, LDI, LB and LBL have a numeric value coded as part of the instruction in the immediate field. This numeric value must be in the complementary form on the bus. It goes without saying that this assembler takes care of the inversion for you.

Questions and Bugs

Please, ask questions or report bugs to <>